7th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 17th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 27th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 37th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 47th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 57th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 67th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 77th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 87th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 97th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 107th Lichfield Scouts - welcome-to-7th-lichfield-squirrels Image 11

Welcome to 7th Lichfield Squirrels

Squirrel Scouts are boys and girls usually aged between 4 and 6 years old. They belong to the youngest Section in the Scout Group. They can move to the next Section, Beaver Scouts, between 6 and 6½.

Easily recognised by their distinctive red sweatshirts, Squirrel Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. They usually meet together once a week in a Squirrel Scout Drey. 

Here are our current Drey Meeting dates:

Drey Name

Meeting Day

Meeting Time

More Information

Acorn Drey


5:00pm - 6:00pm

Scout Association Page